Wenxiao ZHANG, Sikun LIN, Farshid H. BIJARBOONEH, Hao-Fei CHENG, Tristan BRAUD, Pengyuan ZHOU, Lik-Hang LEE, and Pan HUI. (2022). EdgeXAR: A 6-DoF Camera Multi-target Interaction Framework for MAR with User-friendly Latency Compensation. Proceedings of the ACM on HCI (Engineering Interactive Computing Systems). 22 pages.
Xian WANG, Diego MONTEIRO, Lik-Hang LEE, Pan HUI and Hai-Ning LIANG. (2022). VibroWeight: Simulating Weight and Center of Gravity Changes of Objects in Virtual Reality for Enhanced Realism. The 2022 IEEE Haptics Symposium (HAPTICS’22), California, USA, March 2022.
Kirill A SHATILOV, Youngdae KWON, Lik-Hang LEE, Dimitris CHATZOPOULOS, and Pan HUI. MyoBoard: Inertial Motion Sensing and Gesture-based QWERTY Keyboard for Extended Realities. The IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing.
Pengyuan ZHOU, Pranvera KORTOCI, Yui-Pan YAU, Tristan BRAUD, Xiujun WANG, Benjamin FINLEY, Lik-Hang LEE, Sasu TARKOMA, Jussi KANGASHARJU, Pan HUI. Augmented Informative Cooperative Perception. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (IEEE TiTS). Preprint available at https://arxiv.org/abs/2101.05508
(In-press) Lik-Hang LEE, Tristan BRAUD and Pan HUI. Handbook of Augmented Reality: Embodied Interaction for Constrained Interfaces for Augmented Reality. Springer, 2022.
(Accepted) Jacky Cao, Kit-Yung LAM, Lik-Hang LEE, Xiaoli LIU, Pan HUI and Xiang SU. Mobile Augmented Reality: User Interfaces, Frameworks, and Intelligence. ACM Computing Survey (CSUR). Preprint available at arXiv preprint: 2106.08710
Ehsan Ul HAQ, Tristan BRAUD, Yui-Pan YAU, Lik Hang LEE, Franziska KELLER and Pan HUI. Screenshots, Symbols, and Personal Thoughts: The role of Instagram for Social Activism. ACM Web Conference (WWW) 2022. Lyon France, April 2022.
Ehsan Ul HAQ, Tristan BRAUD, Lik Hang LEE, Anish Krishna VALLAPURAM, Yue YU, Gareth TYSON and Pan Hui. Short, Colorful, and Irreverent! A Comparative Analysis of New Users on WallstreetBets During the Gamestop Short-squeeze. ACM Web Conference (WWW) 2022. Lyon France, April 2022.
(Minor Revision) Tristan BRAUD, Lik-Hang LEE, Ahmad ALHILAL, Carlos BERMEJO, and Pan HUI. DiOS - An Extended Reality Operating System for the Metaverse. The IEEE MultiMedia Magazine. Preprint available at ArXiv 2201.03256
Pengyuan ZHOU, Benjamin FINLEY, Lik-Hang LEE, Yong LIAO, Haiyong XIE, and Pan HUI. Towards User-Centered Metrics for Trustworthy AI in Immersive Cyberspace. Preprint available at 10.13140/RG.2.2.16353.79200
(Major Revision) Ville PAANANEN, Mohammad Sina KIAROSTAMI, Lik-Hang LEE, Tristan BRAUD, and Simo HOSIO.From Digital Media to Empathic Reality: A Systematic Review of Empathy Research in Extended Reality Environments. ACM Computing Survey (CSUR). Preprint available at 10.13140/RG.2.2.36316.05769
(Accepted) Zheng LI, Yiming HUANG, Yui-Pan YAU, Pan HUI, and Lik-Hang LEE^. Towards Reproducible Evaluations for Flying Drone Controllers in Virtual Environments. 2022 IEEE RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS). 8p, Kyoto Japan, October 2022. (^corresponding author)
Kit-Yung LAM*, Lik-Hang LEE*, and Pan HUI. 3DeformR: Freehand 3D Model Editing in Virtual Environments Considering Head Movements on Mobile Headsets. ACM MMSys 2022. Athlone Ireland, June 2022. (*Co-first author)
Ehsan-Ul HAQ, Gareth TYSON, Lik-Hang LEE, Tristan BRAUD, and Pan HUI. Twitter Dataset for 2022 Russo-Ukrainian Crisis. Preprint available at arXiv:2203.02955
Yuyang WANG, Lik-Hang LEE, Tristan BRAUD, and Pan HUI. Re-shaping Post-COVID-19 Teaching and Learning: A Blueprint of Virtual-Physical Blended Classrooms in the Metaverse Era. The 1st International Workshop on Social and Metaverse Computing and Networking​, in conjunction with IEEE ICDCS'22. Bologna, Italy, Jul 10 - 13, 2022. Preprint available at arXiv:2203.09228
Ehsan Ul HAQ, Tristan BRAUD, Lik Hang LEE, Reza Hadi MOGAVI, He ZHANG, Pan HUI. Tips, Tidings, and Tech: Governmental Communication on Facebook During the COVID-19 Pandemic. dg.o 2022: 23rd Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research. Seoul South Korea, June 15-17, 2022.
Pengyuan ZHOU, Hengwei XU, Lik-Hang LEE, Pei FANG, Pan HUI. Are You Left Out? An Efficient and Fair Federated Learning for Personalized Profiles on Wearable Devices of Inferior Networking Conditions. Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (Ubicomp/IMWUT) 2022.
Zhengya GONG, Lik-Hang LEE, Vijayakumar NANJAPPAN, Sohail Soomro. A Systematic Review of Virtual Brainstorming from the Perspective of Creativity: Affordances, Framework, and Outlook. Digital Creativity, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1080/14626268.2022.2064879 [2.7 CiteScore (Scopus, 2020) and Q1 (2020) CiteScore Best Quartile]
Anish K. VALLAPURAM, Pengyuan ZHOU, Young D. KWON, Lik-Hang LEE, Hengwei XU, and Pan HUI. HideNseek: Federated Lottery Ticket via Server-side Pruning and Sign Supermask. Preprint available at arXiv:2206.04385
Lik-Hang LEE, Pengyuan ZHOU, Tristan BRAUD, and Pan HUI. What is the Metaverse? An Immersive Cyberspace and Open Challenges. Preprint available at arXiv:2206.03018
Yiming ZHU, Ehsan-Ul HAQ, Lik-Hang LEE, Gareth TYSON, and Pan HUI. A Reddit Dataset for the Russo-Ukrainian Conflict in 2022. Preprint available at arXiv:2206.05107
(Accepted) Ahmed TLILI, Ronghuai HUANG, Boulus SHEHATA, Dejian LIU, Jialu ZHAO, Ahmed Hosny Saleh METWALLY, Huanhuan WANG, Mouna DENDEN, Aras BOZKURT, Lik-Hang LEE, Dogus BEYOGLU, Fahriye ALTINAY, Ramesh C. SHARMA, Zehra ALTINAY, Zhisheng LI, Jiahao LIU, Faizan AHMAD, Ying HU, Soheil SALHA, Mourad ABED, and Daniel BURGOS. Is Metaverse in education a blessing or a curse: A combined content and bibliometric analysis. Smart Learning Environments.
(Accepted) Abhishek KUMAR, Lik-Hang LEE^, Jagmohan CHAUHAN, Xiang SU, Mohammad A. HOQUE, Susanna PIRTTIKANGAS, Sasu TARKOMA, and Pan HUI. PassWalk: Spatial Authentication Leveraging Lateral Shift and Gaze on Mobile Headsets. ACM Multimedia (MM) 2022. Lisbon Portugal, October 2022. (^corresponding author)
Anqi WANG, Gao ZE, Lik Hang LEE, Tristan BRAUD, and Pan HUI. Decentralized, not Dehumanized: Bringing Utility to NFTs through Multimodal Interaction. 24th ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (Bluesky track), Bangalore India, November 2022. Preprint available at arXiv:2206.03737
Lik Hang LEE^, Carlos BERMEJO, Ahmad ALHILAL, Tristan BRAUD, Simo HOSIO, Esmee DE HAAS, and Pan HUI. Beyond the Blue Sky of Multimodal Interaction: A Centennial Vision of Interplanetary Virtual Spaces in Turn-based Metaverse. 24th ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (Bluesky track), Bangalore India, November 2022. (^corresponding author)
(Accepted) Pranvera KORTOCI, Yilei LIANG, Pengyuan ZHOU, Lik-Hang LEE, Abbas MEHRABI, Pan HUI, Sasu TARKOMA, Jon CROWCROFT. Federated Split GANs. ACM FedEdge 2022 in conjunction with ACM Mobicom 2022.
(Accepted) Xian WANG, Xiaoyu MO, Mingming FAN, Lik-Hang LEE, Bertram SHI and Pan HUI. Reducing Stress and Anxiety in the Metaverse: A Systematic Review of Meditation, Mindfulness and Virtual Reality. Chinese CHI 2022.
(Accepted) Kit-Yung LAM, Ahmad ALHILAL, Liang YANG, Lik-Hang LEE, Gareth TYSON and Pan HUI.Human-Avatar Interaction in Metaverse: Framework for Full-body Interaction. ACM Asia Multimedia 2022.
(Accepted) Anish K. VALLAPURAM, YoungDae KWON, Lik-Hang LEE, Fengli XU and Pan HUI. A causal Analysis on the Anchor Store Effect Using Open-LBSN Data. ACM/IEEE ASONAM’22 (Acceptance rate = 19.6%)
(Accepted) Ehsan Ul HAQ, Lik-Hang LEE, Gareth TYSON, Reza Hadi MOGAVI, Tristan BRAUD and Pan HUI. Psychologists, Therapists, Writers, Doctors? Exploring Mental Health Communications among Instagram Coaches. ACM/IEEE ASONAM’22 (Acceptance rate = 19.6%)
(Accepted) Esmee DE HAAS, and Lik-Hang LEE^. Deceiving Audio Design in Augmented Environments : A Systematic Review of Audio Effects in Augmented Reality. The 1st workshop of Metaverse for Digital Commerce and Virtual Economy, 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality Adjunct (ISMAR'22-Adjunct) (^corresponding author) [arxiv]
(Accepted) Fachrina Dewi PUSPITASAR, and Lik-Hang LEE^. Review of Persuasive User Interface as Strategy for Technology Addiction in Virtual Environments. The 1st workshop of Metaverse for Digital Commerce and Virtual Economy, 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality Adjunct (ISMAR'22-Adjunct) (^corresponding author)
Carlos BERMEJO, Lik-Hang LEE, Paul CHOKECKI, David PRZEWOZNY, and Pan HUI. Exploring Button Designs for Mid-air Interaction in Virtual Reality: A Hexa-metric Evaluation of Key Representations and Multi-modal Cues. Proceedings of the ACM on HCI (Engineering Interactive Computing Systems). 24 pages.
Lik-Hang LEE, Yiming ZHU, Yui-Pan YAU, Pan HUI, and Susanna PIRTTIKANGAS. Press-n-Paste: Copy-and-Paste Operations with Pressure-sensitive Caret Navigation for Miniaturized Surface in Mobile Augmented Reality.Proc. ACM Hum.-Comput.Interact.5, EICS, Article 199 (June 2021), 28 pages
Kirill A SHATILOV, Dimitris CHATZOPOULOS, Lik-Hang LEE, and Pan HUI. Emerging ExG-based NUI Inputs in Extended Realities: A Bottoms-Up Survey. ACM Trans. Interact. Intell. Syst. 11, 2, Article 10 (July 2021), 49 pages. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/3457950
Lik-Hang LEE, Tristan BRAUD, Simo HOSIO, and Pan HUI. Towards Augmented Reality Driven Human-City Interaction: Current Research on Mobile Headsets and Future Challenges. ACM Computing Survey (CSUR) 54, 8, Article 165 (November 2021), 38 pages. https://doi.org/10.1145/3467963.
Ville PAANANEN, Piia MARKKANEN, Jonas OPPENLAENDER, Lik-Hang LEE, Haider AKMAL, Ava Fatah gen. SCHIECK, John DUNHAM, Konstantinos PAPANGELIS, Nicolas LALONE, Niels van BERKEL, Jorge GONCALVES, and Simo HOSIO. 2VT: Visions, Technologies, and Visions of Technologies for Understanding Human Scale Spaces. Extended Abstracts of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 104, 1–5. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/3411763.3441315
Abhishek KUMAR, Tristan BRAUD, Lik-Hang LEE, and Pan HUI. Theophany: Multimodal Speech Augmentation in Instantaneous Privacy Channels. ACM Multimedia 2021 (MM'2021), Chengdu, China. (Best Paper Award Candidates)
Kit-Yung LAM*, Lik-Hang LEE*, and Pan HUI. A2W: Context-Aware Recommendation System for Mobile Augmented Reality Web Browser. ACM Multimedia 2021 (MM'2021), Chengdu, China. (*co-first author)
Carlos BERMEJO, Lik-Hang LEE, Petteri NURMI, and Pan HUI. PARA: Privacy Management and Control in Emerging IoT Ecosystems using Augmented Reality, The 23rd ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI'2021), Montreal, Canada, October 2021.
(Under Review) Lik-Hang LEE, Tristan BRAUD, Pengyuan ZHOU, Lin WANG, Dianlei XU, Zijun LIN, Abhishek KUMAR, Carlos BERMEJO, and Pan HUI. All One Needs to Know about Metaverse: A Complete Survey on Technological Singularity, Virtual Ecosystem, and Research Agenda. 66 pages. ArXiv abs/2110.05352 or 10.13140/RG.2.2.11200.05124
(Under Review) Lik-Hang LEE, Zijun LIN, Rui HU, Zhengya GONG, Abhishek KUMAR, Tangyao LI, Sijia LI, and Pan HUI. (2021). When Creators Meet the Metaverse: A Survey on Computational Arts. ArXiv abs/2111.13486.
Yui-Pan YAU*, Lik-Hang LEE*, Zheng LI, Tristan BRAUD, Yi-Hsuan HO, and Pan HUI. How subtle can it get? A Trimodal Study of Ring-sized Interfaces for One-handed Drone Control. Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (Ubicomp/IMWUT) 2020. Cancun, Mexico. (*co-first author)
Lik-Hang LEE, Kit-Yung LAM, Yui-Pan YAU, Tristan BRAUD and Pan HUI. From seen to Unseen: Designing Keyboard-less Interfaces for text entry on constrained screen real estate of Augmented Reality Headsets. Journal of Pervasive and Mobile Computing.
Lik-Hang LEE, Yiming Zhu, Yui-Pan YAU, Tristan BRAUD, Xiang SU, and Pan HUI. One-thumb Text Acquisition on Force-assisted Miniature Interfaces for Mobile Headsets. IEEE (PerCom) Pervasive computing and communications 2020. Texas, USA.
Y. KWON, Kirill SHATILOV, Lik-Hang LEE, Serkan KUMYOL, Kit-Yung LAM, Yui-Pan YAU, and Pan HUI. MyoKey: Surface Electromyography and Inertial Motion Sensing-based Text Entry in AR. IEEE (PerCom) Pervasive computing and communications 2020. Texas, USA. [Work-in-Progress Paper]
Lik-Hang LEE. Invited Talk: Emerging role of Digital Assistant in Augmented Reality Driven Human-City Interaction. 2020 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops (PerCom Workshops), Austin, TX, USA, 2020, pp. 1-1, doi: 10.1109/PerComWorkshops48775.2020.9156243.
Kirill A SHATILOV, Dimitris CHATZOPOULOS, Lik-Hang LEE, Pan Hui. Emerging Natural User Interfaces in Mobile Computing: A Bottoms-Up Survey. arXiv preprint arXiv:1911.04794.
Lik-Hang LEE , Tristan BRAUD, Farshid HASSANI and Pan HUI. UbiPoint: Hardware Constrained Mid-Air Interaction for Low-end Smart Glasses. ACM The 11th ACM Multimedia Systems Conference (MMSys’2020), Istanbul Turkey, 2020.
Man-Hing WONG, Lik-Hang LEE, and Pan HUI. (2020). GANStick: US Stock Forecasting with GAN-Generated Candlesticks. The 41st International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS’20). Hyderabad, India. 16 pages.
Lik Hang LEE, Ngo Yan YEUNG, Tristan BRAUD, Tong LI, Xiang SU, and Pan HUI. (2020). Force9: Force-assisted miniature keyboard on smart wearables. In Proceedings of the 22nd ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ACM ICMI 2020). Utrecht, The Netherlands. 10 pages.
Lik-Hang LEE, Tristan BRAUD, Simo HOSIO, and Pan HUI. Towards Augmented Reality Driven Human-City Interaction: Current Research and Future Challenges. arXiv preprint arXiv:2007.09207v1.
Lik-Hang LEE, Kit-Yung LAM, Yui-Pan YAU, Tristan BRAUD and Pan HUI. HIBEY: Hide the Keyboard in Augmented Reality. IEEE (PerCom) Pervasive computing and communications 2019. Kyoto, Japan.
Kit-Yung LAM, Lik-Hang LEE, Tristan BRAUD and Pan HUI. M2A: A Frameworks for Visualizing Information from Mobile Web to Mobile Augmented Reality. IEEE (PerCom) Pervasive computing and communications 2019. Kyoto, Japan.
Lik-Hang LEE, Tristan BRAUD, Farshid HASSANI and Pan HUI. TiPoint: Towards Non-intrusive Mid-Air Interaction for Hardware Constrained Smart Glasses. ACM 23rd International Symposium for Wearable Computers (ISWC’19). London, United Kingdom.
Lik-Hang LEE, Kit-Yung LAM, Tong LI, Tristan BRAUD, Xiang SU and Pan HUI. Quadmetric Optimized Thumb-to-Finger Interaction for Force Assisted One-Handed Text Entry on Mobile Headsets. Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (Ubicomp/IMWUT) 2019. London, United Kingdom.
Lik-Hang LEE and Pan HUI. Interaction Methods for Smart Glasses: A Survey. IEEE Access 2018.
L.H. Lee, T.N. Wong, Z. Sun, An Agent-based Framework for Partner Selection with Sustainability Considerations, IFAC Proceedings Volumes, Volume 46, Issue 9, 2013, Pages 168-173, ISSN 1474-6670, ISBN 9783902823359, https://doi.org/10.3182/20130619-3-RU-3018.00543.
Zhe Sun, T. N. Wong and L. H. Lee, "Using data envelopment analysis for supplier evaluation with environmental considerations," 2013 IEEE International Systems Conference (SysCon), Orlando, FL, 2013, pp. 20-24. doi: 10.1109/SysCon.2013.6549852
J.H.Y. Heung, T.N. Wong, L.H Lee. (2013) Green Procurement in Trading Sector of Hong Kong. In: Azevedo A. (eds) Advances in Sustainable and Competitive Manufacturing Systems. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, Heidelberg
T.N. Wong; L.H. Lee; Z. Sun. The 13th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference (APIEMS 2012) and 15th Asia Pacific Regional Meeting of the International Foundation for Production Research, Phuket, Thailand, 2-5 December 2012, In APIEMS 2012 Conference Proceedings, 2012, p. 74-84